Your RAD7 comes with DURRIDGE’s award-winning free CAPTURE® software for Macintosh and Windows. CAPTURE provides the ability to download radon data files from the RAD7 and issue commands to the RAD7 for performing various common tasks. A chart recorder renders sophisticated real-time graphs of radon and thoron data from single or multiple RAD7s. Included with CAPTURE is a complete user’s manual and several sample RAD7 data files. CAPTURE contains built-in support for the English and Chinese languages. Additional machine-generated language resources are available upon request.
CAPTURE’s extensive graphing features include advanced data navigation, multiple statistics panels, and enhanced selection abilities. Data may be exported to a variety of human-readable formats. CAPTURE can perform two-way communication with RAD7 devices containing RADLINK remote access software, and high-resolution printer output is always just a click away.